
目前顯示的是 12月, 2020的文章
  48. administration (n.) 管理;行政  49. admiration (n.) 欣賞;欽佩  50. admire (v.) 欣賞;钦佩  51. admission (n.)? 承認,准許進入,  52. admito (v.) 承認,准許進入  53. admonish (v.) 訓誠;勸告  54. admonition (n.) 訓誠;勸告  55. adolescence (n.) 青春期,  56. adolescent (n.) adj.)青少年;青少年的  57. advertise (v.) 登廣告  58. advertising (n.) 廣告業;廣告(總稱)  59. advertisement (n.) (一則)廣告  60. adorable (adj.) 討人喜歡的  61. adore (v.) 愛慕;敬慕  62. adorn (v.) 裝飾,  63. adornment (n.) 裝飾;裝飾品  64. advance (n.) (v.) 進步;進展;(部隊)前進  65. advanced (adj.) (課程)高等的;先進的;進步,  66. advantage (n.) 優點;有利之處,  67. adventure (n.) 奇遇;冒險的經歷  68. adventurous (adj.) 喜歡冒險的  69. advice 【U】忠告;建議  70. advise (v.) 建議  71. affect (v.) 影響  72. affliction (n.) 痛苦;折麼  73. afford 負擔得起;抽得出時間做某事  74. afterlife (n.) 人死後的世界或生活
  10. One of the Taiwanese airlines was known for its friendly service and hard-working cabin crew. Unfortunately, however, this has been damaged severely after a series of incidents this year. (A) resolution (B) reputation (C) relation (D) recognition  11 While there's no known cure for measles, it can be prevented by children with a vaccine.  (A) injecting  (B) predicting (C) rejecting (D) infecting  12. There are thousands of people protesting on the streets in                                   to the state's ban on same-sex marriages.  (A) pursuit  (B) supply (C) reaction (D) failure  13. My classmates and I felt a sense of            after we won first prize at the science fair.  (A) frustration  (B) distraction (C) embarrassment  (D) achievement 14. Sara's husband doesn't earn a big salary but it's           for their needs.  (A) evident  (B) adequate (C) sarcastic (D) efficient  15. The writer          decided to settle in the countryside, leading a quiet a
  1. Your cell phone will be repaired for free if it is still under             (A) detection  (B) committee (C) guarantee (D) delivery 2. Animal rescue organizations encourage people to        a pet instead of buying one.   (A) adapt (B) adopt (C) adjust (D) appeal  3. Taoyuan Airport MRT            runs between the city and the airport, which makes it easier and A faster for passengers to get to the airport.  (A) frequently  (B) privately (C) considerably  (D) entirely  4. If you are a public figure, you'd better avoid being too                        to criticism, or you'll feel upset all the time.  (A) stubborn  (B) ignorant (C) immune (D) sensitive  5. The band has gone on tour to             their new album; tickets to their concerts in Taiwan have  been sold out.  (A) deny  (B) combine (C) promote (D) vanish  6. Always speak kindly. As salt            our food, grace                        our words for building up others.  (A) flavors  (B) reserves (C) grills (D) sprin
  25. account (n.) 帳戶;描述、說明。 (v.) [+for ] 解釋;佔 比例  26. accountant (n.) 會計師  27. accounting (n.) 會計學  28. accurate (adj.) 準確的;正確的  29. ache (n.) (v.) (持續性的)疼痛 ,  30. achieve (v.) 達成;實現  31. achievement (n.) 成就;達成  32. acknowledge (v.) 承認;認可;致謝。  33. acknowledgement (n.) 承認致謝  34. acquaintance (n.) 相識的人;相識  35. acquisition-(n.) ) 習得;獲得  36. act (v.)(n.) 表現;行動  37. action (n.) 行為;行動  38. active (adj.) 活躍的;積極的;主動的  39. activity (n.) 活動,  40. actual (adj.) 真實的;實際的  41. actually (adv.) 事實上;實際上  42. acutely (adv.) 劇烈地;敏銳地  43. adapt (v.) (使)適應;改編  44. add (v.) 增加;添加;將(數字)相加  45. addition (n.) 增加;添加物;加法  46. additional (adj.) 附加的;額外的 (v.) 47. address 致詞;演說;處理 (n.) 致詞;地址